Is There Something Wrong With My Houston, TX House?


Have you been trying to sell my Houston home for months now but terribly failing? You should know that there are so many reasons as to why any seller would find it hard to sell a house in Houston, Texas. Whether the property is new or old, the situations that we’re about to list below might be the reason why finding the right buyer is such a huge problem for you. The stiff housing market competition has never been a reason for not selling.

  • Incorrect pricing

Real estate agents in Houston, Texas have been known to be sly especially when dealing with property sellers who still don’t know much about the housing market. they will try to lure you by quoting a high listing price, only to bail out the moment you realize things are not going your way.

Also, working with a lower price is not a good strategy. The moment a buyer walks through your doors and realizes the house offers more than what other similar homes are offering, they’ll right away become suspicious. “Why would a house in such a perfect condition go at that price?” Everybody will be asking this question. So to be on the safe side, do your homework.

  • Flooded market

Timing is everything in this business. You have to know what the best time to sell is and what the best time to buy is. Most people prefer buying homes during summer and not during winter. You need to look at the market conditions as well. Selling my house in a buyer’s market is a mistake. Of course it’s possible but you’ll have to hassle hard before you land a deal.

  • The property needs more work

Very few people will be looking to invest in fixer-uppers. So if you’ve been trying to sell a property that still needs more work, you’ll have to exercise patience. That market is relatively small. You really won’t get the same level of attention a turn-key home will get.

  • You still have tenants

Selling my home with tenants inside is virtually impossible especially if you’re looking for a retail buyer. But if you’re working with a cash buyer like We Buy Fast Houston Houses, there should be no problem closing the deal. All you have to do is pick up the phone and start dialing. The rest will be taken care of, including the title transfers.

  • Stagnant listing

My house might not be selling because it has been on the market for such a long period of time. You see the thing is, any property that sits on the market for long gradually loses its appeal. Even that buyer who was trying to secure a mortgage before reaching out to you will lose interest.

The bottom line is, selling is not easy even for a professional investor, and not every property is cut out for the MLS. If you can’t sell the traditional way, reach out to someone who can help you sell the unconventional way. Call us, today!

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