Step 2 - More Information About Your Land Where is the land located? (closest city / state) Your Name* First Last Email* Phone*Property InformationExcellent. We need a bit more info about your situation so we can provide you with your options and an instant cash offer.Please complete this form below so we can learn more about your property. If you don't have the answers handy for some of the fields below, just leave them blank for now. How long have you owned the property?* What County is your property in? APN (Assessor's Parcel Number), Tax ID #, or Property Identification (if you have it) How did you acquire the property?*Select OneAuctionPurchasedInheritedOtherHow fast do you need to sell your land ?*Less than 30 days31 - 90 daysNo RushHow much are you asking for your property?Best Time to CallAnytimeMorningAfternoonEveningCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ We respect your privacy. See our privacy policy. Share